Metabolomics comparison between Delta and Omicron-infected individuals


At the end of 2019, SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus emerged causing a widespread increase in airway and lung infections that was driven by different viral variants. Only the variants with significant differences in transmissibility, disease severity, reduction in neutralization by antibodies, and reduction in treatment effectiveness were designated as variants of concern (VOC). Among these variants, the Delta and Omicron forms have demonstrated marked differences in transmissibility and disease severity. This study aims to identify the plasma metabolomics differences that characterize Delta-infected compared to Omicron-infected patients, analyze the severity within these SARS-CoV-2 variant infections, and investigate how vaccination status and corticosteroid treatment impacted the plasma metabolomic profiles of these patients infected with these variants. Our hypothesis is that the metabolomic profiles will reveal significant metabolomic differences between the two variants, reflecting their varied clinical outcomes. Furthermore, we hypothesize that the treatments used during each variant’s wave of infection may be reflected in the plasma metabolome of infected individuals. This study demonstrates that not only are there differences in plasma metabolites that distinguish Delta and Omicron-infected individuals, but also that metabolites do differentiate between various degrees of severity.

SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Delta, Omicron, Metabolomics
Pimentel Guerrero, E. I. (YYYY). Metabolomics comparison between delta and omicron-infected individuals (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from