A profile of students receiving English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction
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English as a Second Language (ESL) learners require special instructional supports to reach educational expectations and realize their full potential. This report used administrative data to profile ESL learners in the education system (kindergarten to 12th grade) in Alberta between 2005/06 and 2010/11. Analyses examined these individuals’ sociodemographic characteristics and public service use patterns. This report found that students receiving ESL instruction (1) increased in number over the report period, (2) were more likely to be younger students, (3) were composed of proportionally more males and residents of Calgary, and (4) were less likely to be high-cost health, mental health service users, child intervention recipients, and child disability supports recipients than non-ESL students. These findings provide policy-relevant evidence that public authorities may consider as they seek to better support ESL learners.