Range Camera Motion Capture: Geometric Parameter Extraction from Human Motion Data in Point Clouds
Motion capture systems presently face many problems with soft-tissue artefacts; and the cost of long set up, examination, and turnover times on actionable data. Soft-tissue artefacts are resultant from sensor choice, whenever affixed markers or sensors are required. Moreover, long set up times are driven from the need for subjects to wear specialized markers, and turnover times largely driven by the complex spatial processing of these targets or markers.
To work around these limitations, a markerless system is desired. This thesis describes a set of processes to register, segment, and model a full 3D time-series of motion data. This is realized in the development of the RCMOCAP system, which is a markerless system for motion capture. Coordinate registration, body extraction, limb segmentation, and parameter modeling processes developed for complete 3D motion coverage have been evaluated in the context of real-world motion and effects, captured through the RCMOCAP system.