Analysis of the act of faith

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The Christian's act of faith, though not necessarily following upon demonstrable proofs, nevertheless may be said to be rational in that it is grounded on and responsive to a personal, experiential, preconceptual cognition or apprehension of the divine which gives rise to and justifies belief formulations. Such formulations, expressing personal knowledge and assent are, however, valid only in the context of the larger revelation which is expressed in the Judaeo­Christian scriptures and embodied in and interpreted by the doctrinal tradition of the Christian community. The position argued by this Thesis is consonant with the central Christian tradition of faith seeking understanding. It emphasises the supernatural dimension in viewing all the elements of the act as integrated within a grace-given relationship with God, and is supported by aspects of the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, John Henry Newman and Bernard Lonergan.

Bibliography: p. 156-160.
Fullalove, R. (1993). Analysis of the act of faith (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/21493