Tracing and Tracking Privacy Discourses of Immanent Commodification and Contextual Integrity
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University of Toronto Press
In this chapter, we situate recent Canadian policy documents from the OPC and PIAC in light of their predecessors, the Instant World (Canada 1970) and Privacy & Computers (Canada 1972) reports issued by the now defunct Department of Communication. These earlier reports also raised privacy concerns, long before social network sites such as Facebook came to define what we take for granted today as mundane forms of everyday social networking. Here, we explore how the notions of immanent commodification and contextual integrity have been conceptualized and treated as policy issues—where regulation tends to lag behind technological innovation—throughout the intensification of networked communication over the last forty years.
privacy, internet, policy, commodification
Shade, L. R. & Shepherd, T. (2014). Tracing and Tracking Privacy Discourses of Immanent Commodification and Contextual Integrity. In K. Kozolanka (ed.), Publicity and the Canadian State: Critical Communications Perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.