An Innovative Ergometer For Measuring Neuromuscular Fatigue During And Immediately After Cycling Exercise
During exercise, progressive changes in the central nervous system and muscles result in a contractile output that is less than anticipated, which is called neuromuscular fatigue. Many studies assessing fatigue from dynamic exercise in large muscle mass (e.g. cycling), have tended to delay measurements for 1-4 min after exercise cessation. This is problematic because recovery from exercise begins immediately after the activity has finished. This study aimed to determine the reliability of an innovative cycling ergometer that permits the start of measurement of fatigue within 1 s after exercise cessation, and compare these results to a traditional isometric chair ergometer. Twelve subjects participated in two data collection sessions, performing an incremental cycling test with intermittent isometric assessment of fatigue in the knee extensors with electrical nerve and transcranial magnetic stimulation. The innovative ergometer was found to be a reliable tool to assess neuromuscular fatigue during and immediately after cycling exercise.