Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter

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    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: March 1983
    (1983) Arnold, Ian M. F.; Csokonay, W. M.; Markham, John (ed)
    Editiorial Comments -- Hydrogen Sulphide -- Hepatitis B Vaccine and Health Care Workers -- Coming Events - Alberta/Elsewhere -- From the Journals
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: June 1983
    (1983) Bryant, Heather; Chisholm, David M.; Barnes, Priscilla; Markham, John (ed)
    Editiorial Comments -- A Selection of Occupational Health Organisations or Sources of Information in Alberta -- Coming Event Alberta-- Announcement -- Reproductive Hazards of the Workplace: Part 1 - Overview -- Hair Analysis - Is It Here to Stay? -- Coming Events Elsewhere
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Fall 1983
    (1983) Bryant, Heather; Markham, John (ed)
    Editor's Comments -- Reporductive Hazards of the Workplace Part 2: Effects on the Female Worker -- Coming Events
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    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Winter 1983/84
    (1984) Bryant, Heather; Barber, Kirk; Markham, John (ed)
    Editor's Comments -- Reproductive Hazards of the Workplace Part 3: Effects on the Male Worker -- Skin in the Workplace -- Educational Objectives in Occupational Medicine for the Medical Undergraduate/Resident Curriculum -- Coming Events
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Spring 1984
    (1984) Watson, Peggy M.; Csokonay, W.; Barber, Kirk; Csokonay, W. (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- Calgary Hosts XII International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria 16-22 September 1984 -- International Health - Occupational Medicine Topics -- Rash Statements II: Ultraviolet Light - An Occupational Hazard -- From the Journals - Article Review Occupational Health in China --Perspectives: Carbon-Monoxide - Who Owns the "Problem"? -- Notice Board: Upcoming Meetings-Conferences
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Summer 1984
    (1984) Eakin, J. M.; Cowell, J.; Barber, Kirk; Bereziuk, J.; Johnston, D.; Csokonay, W. M. (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- The Provision of Occupational Health Services to Small Workplaces: Problems and Approaches -- The Canadian Board of Occupational Medicine (CBOM) -- Industry and Confidentiality in Occupational Health -- Rash Statements III -- Perspectives: Indoor Air Pollution: An Overview -- Notice Board - Upcoming Meetings and Conferences -- Issues in the Workplace Offshore in the Beaufort Sea
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Fall 1984
    (1984) Orford, R. R.; Cowell, J.; Csokonay, W. M. (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- What's New? -- The Notification of Occupational Disease in Alberta -- Rash Statements IV -- Part II: Industry and Confidentiality in Occupational Health -- Aids - The Latest Enigma -- Notice Board - Upcoming Meetings and Conferences
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Winter 1984
    (1984) Orford, R. R.; Chisholm, David M.; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Mellor, Jeffrey; Barber, Kirk; Whiting, W. B.; Csokonay, W. M.
    Editorial Comments -- Occupational Health and Safety in Alberta -- Interpretation of Hair Analysis -- Resources Available to Medical Personnel -- Notice Board - Upcoming Meetings and Conferences -- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - Etiology and Pathogenisis - 'State of the Art' -- Rash Statements V: Chrome Cripples -- Tuberculosis in the Workplace -- The 10 Leading Work-Related Diseases and Injuries, United States of America -- On a Different Note
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Spring 1985
    (1985) Alleyne, B. C.; Gray, Paul A.; Maguire, Nancy; Barber, Kirk; Dahlman, D. E.; Levine, Janis L.; Abernathy, T. J.; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Csokonay, W. M. (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- The Patient's Occupational History May Aid in Diagnosis -- Notice Board- Upcoming Meetings and Conferences -- Occupational (Industrial) Hygiene, Its Role in Occupational Health -- Perspectives: Hospital Occupational Health -- Rash Statements - VI Computer Contact Dermatitis -- Employee Assistance Programs - Now There is Somewhere to Turn -- Health Monitoring in the Workplace -- WHay does the Workers' Compensation Board have to Consider "Hepatitis B"? --
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Summer 1985
    (1985) Gray, Paul A.; Barber, Kirk; Goldsmith, David F.; Guidotti, Tee L.; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Tinie van Schoor, Johan; Csokonay, W. M. (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- Notice Board- Upcoming Meetings and Conferences -- From the Journals: Cardiovascular Diseases - The Role of Occupations -- Occupational (Industrial) Hygiene, Its Role in Occupational Health Part II -- Rash Statements- 7 -- Silica and Cancer -- Spondylolisthesis- Etiology and Pathogenesis 'State of the Art'
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Spring 1986
    (1986) Gray, Paul A.; Barber, Kirk; Buchwald, Herbert; Alleyne, Brian; Campbell, Sharon; Fincham, Shirley; Hill, Gerry; Kalnas, Jonas; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Tinie van Schoor, Johan; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- PCB's: An Overview -- Rash Statements - 8 -- Upcoming Events -- Challenges in Occupational Health and Safety -- Publications on Guidelines from Alberta Worker's Health, Safety and Compensation -- Studies of Occupational Cancer -- Using Mortality Records and Cancer Registrations -- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Etiology and Pathogenesis - 'State of the Art'
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Summer 1986
    (1986) Johnson, Mary; Russell, Margaret L.; Yoshida, K.; Barber, Kirk; Corbet, Kenneth; Bell, G. Douglas; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Tinie van Schoor, Johan; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- Publications on Guidelines From Alberta Community and Occupational Health -- Upcoming Conference Announcement (Calgary, November '86) -- Infection Control Apsects of Occupational Health Programs in Health Care Facilites -- Rubella Immunity and the Health Care Workplace -- Indoor Air Quality in Health Care Facilities -- Rash Statements - 9
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Fall 1986
    (1986) Barber, Kirk; Corbet, Kenneth; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Tinie van Schoor, Johann; Johnston, D.; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- Upcoming Courses/Conferences -- Changes -- New Publications from Alberta Community and Occupational Health -- Rash Statements - 10 -- Medical Aspects of the ORganophosphate Pesticides -- Occupational Skin Lesions: Impairment and Disability Assessment -- Cases from an Occupational Clinic -- New Guidelines from Alberta Community and Occupational Health
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: Winter 1986
    (1986) Corbet, Kenneth; Reesal, Michael R.; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Guidotti, Tee L.; Kelly, Shona M.; MacQuarrie, M. Jeanette; Parboosingh, E. Jean; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- Work and Well Being 1987 -- Change in Medical Services Branch -- Letters to the Editor -- The Effects of Vibrating Tools on the Hand and Arm -- New Guidelines from Alberta Community and Occupational Health -- WBC and Occupational Health Professionals: Expectations -- Product Evaluation: A Kit for Creating the Ergonomically Sound Work Station -- Tuberculosis in A Rural Auxilliary Hospital -- Influenza Vaccination Recommendations for Health Care Workers: Attitudes and Compliance -- Upcoming Conferences
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: September 1987
    (1987) Reesal, Michael R.; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Corbet, Kenneth; Guidotti, Tee L.; van Shcoor, J. Tinie; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editiorial Comments -- New Guidelines from Alberta Community and Occupational Health -- Compensation Appeals Forum Call for Papers, Case Comments, Letters, Etc. -- Adverse Health Effects from Industrial and Environmental Cadmium -- Upcoming Conferences -- The Case of the Phantom Driver -- Degenerative Spinal Disease and Compensation
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: December 1987
    (1987) Corbet, Kenneth; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Alleyne, Brian; Reesal, Michael R.; Johnston, J.D.; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Note -- Mount Royal College Occupational Hygiene Technology Certificate Program -- New Publications from Alberta Community and Occupational Health -- Alberta Medical Professionals and the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)-- Upcoming Conferences -- Let's Talk About Hearing Loss in Alberta: Part 1 -- Case 2: Sign Painter
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: February 1988
    (1988) Guidotti, Tee L.; MacAulay, J. C.; Hamm, R. Douglas; Csokonay, W. M.; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- Upcoming Conferences -- New Publications from Alberta Community and Occupational Health -- Report on the 1987 Joint Meeting of the Alberta Occupational Health Society and the Canadian Occupational Health Society -- Occupational High-Pressure Injection Injury: A Case Report and Discussion -- Workplace Health Promotion - Time for More 'Demo' in our 'Promo'? -- Pretravel Preparation for Occupational Travel
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: March 1988
    (1988) Harrell, W. Andrew; Dufresne, Ronald M.; Alleyne, Brian C.; Reesal, Michael R.; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- Upcoming Conferences -- Variables Influencing Self-Reported Safety Practices in Farmers -- Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Part II
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: September 1988
    (1988) Csokonay, William M.; Guidotti, Tee L.; Johnston, J. Don; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- New Publication for Physicians from Alberta Occupational Health and Safety -- Information for Workers from Alberta Occupational Health -- Medical Examination and Screening of Workers After Overseas Assignments -- AOHS Mid-Year Meeting in Edmonton "A New Look at Health Promotion" -- Occupational Health in the 1990's: Developing a Platform for Disease Prevention -- Chemicals in the Food Chain -- Upcoming Courses
  • ItemOpen Access
    Alberta Occupational Medicine Newsletter: November 1988
    (1988) Hamm, R. Douglas; Orford, Robert R.; Guidotti, Tee L.; Kelly, Shona J.; Bryant, Heather (ed)
    Editorial Comments -- New Information for Workers from Alberta Occupational Health and Safety -- Upcoming Conferences -- Workplace Health Promotion: Benefits, Costs and the 'Dr. Faustus Effect' -- Occupational Overuse Injuries -- Guidelines for the Safe Use of the Chlorphenoxy Herbicides (2,4-D and Related Compounds)