An artificial escherichia coli bacterium brought to life: a journey inside the cell
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An a1;emdahfo .lfram.<eworr:k forr: sm:mlating highly interactive and dyrumnic three-dimensional cellular simullations is nmpRemenrted as part of this thesis_ The lac opemn gene regulatory system in Esdiuerriichia ro1/i, bacterium is presented as a pmtotye_ Important structures, cellular elements ((:such as RNA polymerase, messenger RNA, permea.<ieS, ribosome) and processes of the fac operon are simulated within the cell Interactions of these agents occur as independent, observable and complex dynamics within the simulation_ Two modelling paradigms (agent-based and mathematical) are used to describe the lac operon system dynamics. Using a mathematical model of the lac operon, system behaviour of the genetic switch was analayz.ed. Agent-based models capture the collective behaviour from the interactions of simple agents which leads to the emergent phenomena. The advantages of the agent-based and mathematical paradigms are combined to yield a hyb1id agent-based model. The hybrid approach introduced is able to automatically switch between the models to better capture system dynamics. The simulation's visual effects, interactivity and biological relevance are the founĀdations of this thesis. The aim of this work is to construct a platform that enhances understanding of natural life by serving as a valuable educational and research tool.
Some pages are in colour.
Includes copy of copyright permission. Original copy with original Partial Copyright Licence.
The original thesis was replaced in October 2016 with a new version which incorporated changes required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to comply with copyright legislation.