Raging Skies: Development of a Digital Game-Based Science Assessment Using Evidence-Centred Game Design

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Alberta Teachers’ Association

Digital game-based assessments have been gaining popularity; however, there is often an imbalance between entertainment and educational game elements, yielding barriers for both students and teachers. This paper examines the development processes of an interactive game-based assessment, Raging Skies, in which learning tasks are purposefully embedded and integrated into the game’s design and framework so that specific knowledge and skill-based outcomes may be measured. This case study discusses some of the challenges and criticisms facing digital game-based assessments as outlined in the literature.

Science Education, Game-Based Assessment, Game Design
Chu, M.-W., & Chiang, A. (2018). Raging Skies: Development of a Digital Game-Based Science Assessment Using Evidence-Centred Game Design. Alberta Science Education Journal, 45(2), 37-47.