Your guide to recognizing various forms of plagiarism and gaining insights from technology

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Workshop presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, held at the University of Calgary, April 17-18, 2019. Abstract: Like never before, higher education institutions are having to grapple with the problem of academic misconduct. Although the problem has been around for decades, the impact of technology has surfaced new iterations of the problem, especially as institutions strive to serve an increasing number of students through distance education and digitally-based teaching models. Emerging threats to academic integrity, from wearable technology to the sophisticated business models behind contract cheating sites, present new risks to institutional reputations and the value of the degrees they confer. Join us for a community discussion on the current academic integrity research, student academic misconduct trends, and best practices for both instituting a culture of academic integrity and tackling academic misconduct. Discover the Turnitin tools and techniques that can support you in achieving your academic integrity goals.
academic integrity, Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Turnitin
Singleton, P., & Ricksen, M. (2019). Your guide to recognizing various forms of plagiarism and gaining insights from technology. 1-34.