The Virtual Future Panel - IRACDA 2021

This panel was hosted by the Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) 2021 conference, held online. Abstract: Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic upended our lives. We were forced to abruptly transition our research, our teaching, and even our scientific gatherings to a virtual format. This transition showed the need for new technologies, it revealed inequalities and suggested opportunities. Today, even as universities start to tentatively open up for in-person activities, the future remains uncertain. This Panel addresses the important questions: What will the future look like? What will be the long-term effect on research, publications, teaching and learning, and gatherings of the scientific community? How can we guide this change towards creating a better future? The panelists will take a deep dive on the consequences and opportunities of this virtual shift, as well as discuss strategies and new technologies that were developed during this year.
future, futurism, academic integrity
Rojas Villa, S., Kording, K., Eaton, S.E., Larivière, V. & Lo, S. (2021, June 28 - 30). The Virtual Future Panel - IRACDA 2021 [Panel presentation]. IRACDA 2021 National Conference, Stony Brook, NY, United States.