Students as Partners promoting Academic Integrity: Transdisciplinary reflections founded on Epistemologies of the South
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Searching for alternative ways to involve students in academic integrity work is fundamental to maintaining trust and protecting educational institutions’ integrity; this quest is especially relevant now with the emergence of technologies that facilitate cheating (Dawson, 2020; Kumar et al., 2022; Lancaster & Cotarlan, 2021). Three authors from diverse fields (i.e., academic integrity, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and social learning) engaged in transdisciplinary reflections through Restorative Practices (RP) proactive circles to address this interest. This presentation provides insight into the conceptual underpinnings that inform understanding of Students as Partners (SaP) in academic integrity work from an Epistemologies of the South lens. This presentation also addresses the implementation of RP proactive restorative circles to pursue academic integrity interests collectively. Participants attending this presentation will gain insight into the interconnections between the concepts of SaP, the Systems Approach to Academic Integrity, and the Epistemologies of the South, discuss recommendations developed by the authors and built from RP proactive circles, and analyze how these circles might help reflect on academic integrity at large.