L. E. T. 5: Stealing Attention is Fear
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This L.E.T. video is 5th in a series, all available on this Youtube Channel. Watching previous videos in the series will give a good context to what is presented in this current video. Yet, it is not necessary either in order to benefit from watching this one alone. Dr. R. Michael Fisher, founder of Life Enhancement Training shares his foundational philosophy of attention = quality, and what he calls a sacred and healing economy of attention. His work is dedicated to helping free up attention from the ways it is manipulated in this world. Healing and liberation is the most important purpose behind his sharing the theory and skills of improving one's free attention. On a related but somewhat different tactic of interrupting the "attention economy" one colleague of mine suggested: chapter 4: Exercises in Attention in Jenny Odell's brilliant book "How to Do Nothing, Resisting the Attention Economy". I can recommend this video on her book: https://youtu.be/mNRqswoCVcM