Optimum Learning for All Students: A Research Study of Teaching Quality Standard, Leadership Quality Standard, and Superintendent Leader Quality Standard Implementation and Enactment in Alberta
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February 7, 2018, the Ministerial Order in Alberta of three Professional Practice Standards conceptualized the professional practice of Alberta teachers, school and system leaders, and superintendents using a nested design which provided consistency in the way K-12 educators practice in Alberta. The four-year longitudinal convergent mixed methods study began in March 2018, prior to the beginning of the required implementation of the three standards and concluded in June 2023. Four research questions guided this study. Survey and case study were gathered from a total of 5536 teachers, 1832 leaders, and 106 superintendent leaders over the four years. Fifteen findings were identified through a process of merging the quantitative and qualitative data over four years. The study concluded there was a strong interplay between the professional practice standards as policy and the implementation into practice, the implementation of the standards was successful in the face of the 2.5 years of COVID in the midst of their implementation, the participating 35 school authorities cultivated a culture of continuous professional learning and improvement, implementation enhanced educators' understanding of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Knowledge, participants used an evidence-informed approach to guide practice, and all participants acknowledged the role of external supports and collaboration to realize policy in action.