Cognitive Apprenticeship in Online Teaching and Learning with Education Students


In this vignette we share our work surrounding cognitive apprenticeship as it applies to online graduate and bachelor level learning and the instructor's experiences. We also delve into the literature to underscore the affordances that applying cognitive apprenticeship can have in relationship to richer instructor pedagogy and the student experience. We assert that using cognitive apprenticeship in the design and implementation of graduate courses can help instructors more aptly engage and empower students and help cultivate a recursivity of learning through feedback, scaffolding, and instructional fading (i.e. direct to nuanced instruction). We invite you on our journey to learn more about cognitive apprenticeship as it is applied here at Werklund.

Cognitive Apprenticeship, Online Pedagogy, Scaffolding, Metacognition
Delanoy, N., & Mosher, R. (2021). Cognitive Apprenticeship in Online Teaching and Learning with Education Students (learning object). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.