Adaptive mesh generation for terrain modeling and other applications
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The thesis presents a real-time adaptive dynamic framework to model and render large terrain structures in real-time using the conventional 3D hardware. Terrain modeling is a highly regarded problem in the real-time rendering of three dimensional computer graphics. A terrain is a geometric representation of a landscape that has a large number of geometric primitives. Rendering terrain models using conventional algorithms is inefficient on a standard rendering hardware. The thesis provides data structures and corresponding algorithms for the efficient dynamic viewer dependent representation and rendering of large geometric models. The thesis utilizes the adaptive dynamic mesh model known as the Real-Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) for terrain modeling and rendering. The main contribution of the thesis is a modified ROAM based model that offers better quality and higher efficiency by proposing a number of augments to the existing model. Efforts were made to improve the limitations of this model and extend the idea for the representation of larger data structures. Another major contribution of the thesis is the introduction of a novel adaptive dynamic mesh model called Adaptive Loop Subdivision. This new model is capable of rendering virtually infinitely large terrain meshes and offer an original smoothness control technique. Finally, the thesis provides efficient representation of the introduced models to solve real-world problems. A novel approach for motion planning based on the original dynamic mesh model called Adaptive Spatial Memory is presented. Experimental results and analysis confirm that the models and algorithms presented are effective and more efficient compared to other dynamic mesh models.