Ideological Underpinnings of Colonial Domination in Understanding Fear Itself
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It is justifiable to assume that Western (W.) science is "neutral" in ideology, merely in th pursuit of application of reason and logic to create knowledge, then we can rest comfortably in our pre-given unquestioned dominant conceptualizations of "fear," most commonly accepted today, as a feeling or emotion--known empirically and measured in units that science (and psychology) remains typically self-assured. After all, living under the 'spell' of W. science's domination of reality and ways of knowing, supposed "objectivity" and apparently rational, free from bias by fear and prejudice and value-free agenda, there is the aim to be certain of what is is so it can be managed and controlled....This technical paper, using a performative dialogical ("play") writing and teaching construction, takes several different strategies to show that any naive acceptance of W. science's certainty and assumed definition of fear is partial and distorted, if not dangerous....