Optimum Learning for all Students: Implementing Alberta’s 2018 Professional Practice Standards 2022-2023 Year 4 Survey Report
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Alberta Education commissioned this 4-year longitudinal, mixed methods research study, which is designed to assess, deepen, and extend the implementation process for Alberta’s three professional practice standards: The Teaching Quality Standard (TQS) the Leadership Quality Standard (LQS), and the Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard (SLQS). This report presents the survey findings from the third year of the study. Findings are presented for each of the three standards. Results overall indicate: 1. educators across the province are in the later adapting stages or within the embedding/sustaining phases of implementation. 2. Results indicate that those competencies in leading those within the system are stronger than for leading those beyond the system. 3. Attention must be drawn to a troubling trend in both the teacher and leader data. While only teachers report the impact of professional learning on their professional practice, both teachers and leaders report participation in a network formed specifically for the professional learning. The teacher results indicate that teachers are accessing various forms of professional learning within their school; however, only half the teachers indicate that the school based professional learning is having a positive impact on their practice. Leaders report a decline in a network formed specifically for the purposes of professional learning over the four years. This leads us to conclude that one of the essential conditions required to realize collective efficacy is not yet being met.