Population-Based Surveillance for Hypermucoviscosity Klebsiella pneumoniae Causing Community-Acquired Bacteremia in Calgary, Alberta


The characteristics of hypermucoviscosity isolates among Klebsiella pneumoniae causing community-acquired bacteremia were investigated. The hypermucoviscous phenotype was present in 8.2% of K pneumoniae isolates, and was associated with rmpA and the K2 serotype; liver abscesses were the most common clinical presentation. The present analysis represents the first population-based surveillance study of hypermucoviscosity among K pneumoniae causing bacteremia.

Gisele Peirano, Johann DD Pitout, Kevin B Laupland, Bonnie Meatherall, and Daniel B Gregson, “Population-Based Surveillance for Hypermucoviscosity Klebsiella pneumoniae Causing Community-Acquired Bacteremia in Calgary, Alberta,” Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. e61-e64, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/828741