In Search of Fearlessness Project: Archival Memory, 1989-91 (30th Anniversary)

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The author, co-founder of In Search of Fearlessness Project (1989- ), takes readers through a brief tour, covering just over two years, in the museum of history of his relations with fear and fearlessness, and some of the main actors and theorists in that historical unfolding of a transformative beginning (as his unique period of born-again). Struggles soon appear to challenge the sustainability of his own faith and that of his allies, his followers, his lovers. He concludes, in one of his editorials in 1991, “...I am proud of the work we have done not to let fear-based patters pull everything to pieces between us.”

Publisher: In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute
fear, fearlessness, social movement, liberation, education
Fisher, R. M. (2019). In Search of Fearlessness Project: Archival Memory, 1989-91 (30th Anniversary). "In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute", Technical Paper No.80, 1-22.