Moving from Discussion Boards to Jamboard

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Jamboard is a digital interactive whiteboard that allows learners to collaborate in real time. Jamboard was released by Google in 2017 and is one of the free products on Google’s G-suite. Prior to discovering Jamboard, I relied upon discussion boards in each of my classes. In my role as instructor, discussion boards provided me with insight into who was completing the course readings and acted as a form of assessment, both formative and summative. In this brief vignette, I discuss how Jamboards offer many of the advantages of discussion boards and provide students with the opportunity to interact with their instructor and peers. This results in a more enjoyable online course.

asynchronous learning, asynchronous discussion, Jamboard, online learning, student engagement, educational technology, critical thinking, collaboration, online interaction
Danyluk, P. (2022). Moving from Discussion Boards to Jamboard (learning object). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.