Applying an ICD-10 to ICD-11 mapping tool to identify causes of death codes in an Alberta dataset
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Abstract Background The most recent and 11th revision of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-11) is in use as of January 2022, and countries around the globe are now preparing for the implementation of ICD-11 and transition from the 10th revision (ICD-10). Translation of current coding is required for historical comparisons. Methods We applied the World Health Organization (WHO) mapping tables to current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Lists of ICD-10 coding of underlying causes of death to assess what ICD-11 codes look like in an Alberta sample of causes of death (COD). We prepared frequency tables for a single year of COD in Alberta based on the CDC grouping of COD. Results The mapping success rate at the ICD-10 code level for the adult population (> 18 years) was 96.6% and 100% for children (1–17 years) and infants (< 1 year). The mapping success rate by patient was 99.5% for the adult population patient deaths and 100% for children and infants. We mapped ICD-11 codes to identify the ten most frequently reported underlying COD in Alberta for 24,645 deaths in adults, children, and infants in 2017. Conclusions Apart from two codes, all ICD-10 codes could be mapped to ICD-11 for underlying COD. These findings suggest that the ability to translate from the two iterations of coding will be feasible for future applications of health services data.