Fear is no longer just a factor: Fearism as a new force-field vector in social science research

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There’s something gone stale with the common rhetoric around our species’ understanding of fear (and ‘fear’). We require a 21st-century radical up-grade of our critical literacy and fear management capacities on this domain of existence. A fresh idea about fear(ism) or fearism that emerged in the early 1990s (Fisher) and late 1990s (Subba) is pushing researchers to revision their ways of seeing how fear is not merely a factor in human affairs—rather, it is a potent means for sociological measure and typologies for human behavior. Fear is now, in the form of fearism, a force-field vector, which is beginning to be used in some latest innovative social research. This raises the bar in the evolutionary development of methodologies of knowledge. Fearism, with this new application, and further transdisciplinary applications ought to carry the world into a better understanding of the phenomenon of fear(ism). The purpose of such improvement in our critical literacy is to emancipate ourselves from the excessive domination of a culture of fear based in toxic fearism (or, what the author recently calls fearism-t).
force-field analysis, fearism, fear, transdisciplinary, human behavior analysis
Fisher, R. M. (2020). Fear is no longer just a factor: Fearism as a new force-field vector in social science research. pp. 1-18.