Socialization of Pain Memories: Parent-Child Reminiscing About Past Painful and Sad Events

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Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Pediatric Psychology : Journal of Pediatric Psychology

Parent-child reminiscing about past negative events has been linked to a host of developmental outcomes. Previous research has identified two distinct between-parent reminiscing styles, wherein parents who are more elaborative (vs. repetitive) have children with more optimal outcomes. To date, however, research has not examined how parents and children talk about past painful experiences nor compared parent-child reminiscing about past painful versus other distressing events despite key developmental differences in how young children respond to pain versus sadness in others. This study aimed to fill that gap.

Pavlova, M., Graham, S. A., Jordan, A., Chorney J., Vinall, J., Rasic, N. F., Brookes, J. T., Hoy, M. Y., Yunker, W. Y., & Noel, M. (2019). Socialization of Pain Memories: Parent-Child Reminiscing About Past Painful and Sad Events. "Journal of Pediatric Psychology". 2019: 44(6). pp. 679-691.