Receiver-level Signal and Measurement Quality Monitoring for Reliable GNSS-based Navigation

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are widely used in everyday and safety of life services as the main system for positioning and timing solutions. Reliability and service integrity are of utmost importance given a variety of error sources and threats. In the case of aviation and maritime applications, system integrity includes ground and space-based augmentation systems. These externally-aided monitoring systems do not provide a satisfactory solution for land users due to the multiplicity of error sources in the user's local environment, such as multipath. This research investigates receiver level stand-alone integrity monitoring solutions for such users. The methodology is based on Signal and Measurement Quality Monitoring (SQM and MQM) to detect and exclude or de-weight faulty measurements, with multipath and spoofing being the major concerns. Different monitoring metrics are defined and investigated for multipath detection and new geometry-based exclusion and de-weighting techniques are developed. Following an analytical discussion of metric sensitivity and effectiveness, simulated and field data analysis are provided to verify practical performance. Results obtained for the designed SQM and MQM-based detection metrics show reliable performance of 3 to 5 m Minimum Detectable Multipath Error (MDME). Although limited by multipath characteristics and measurement geometry, when detected faulty measurements are excluded or de-weighted, positioning performance improves for various multipath scenarios. In order to effectively classify multipath and spoofing, a spoofing simulator is designed, implemented and tested for selected time and position spoofing scenarios. A new spoofing strategy is described to investigate the minimum number of satellite signals required for an effective spoofing attack. Results show that in an overlapped spoofing scenario, at least 60% of signals are spoofed and thus distorted. This rate of signal distortion is not the case in all but harsh multipath scenarios and is used to distinguish spoofing attacks from multipath. More importantly, it is shown that distortion of more than half of the signals makes position solutions unreliable regardless of the error source. For selected scenarios, two-dimensional time/frequency widely-spaced SQM metrics are also developed to detect spoofing signals with about 3% false alarm probability imposed by multipath and other sources of signal distortion.

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Signal and Measurement Quality Monitoring
Pirsiavash, A. (2019). Receiver-level Signal and Measurement Quality Monitoring for Reliable GNSS-based Navigation (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from