Faculty Portfolio Development: Perception vs. Practices in a Major University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Higher educational institutions have been using faculty portfolios to help ensure that the mission of academia is being met. This study aimed to develop a faculty portfolio using a sequential mixed methods design. The portfolio development process took place in King Saud bin Abdulaziz University of Health Sciences (KSAU-HS) colleges based in Riyadh, Jeddah and Alhassa, Saudi Arabia. In-depth interviews and focus groups, two ubiquitous approaches for qualitative research, were used to collect data from purposefully selected interviewees (n = 18) and focus group participants (n = 24). The quantitative arm of this study included questionnaire administration to 66 participants. They completed a 59-item questionnaire developed to obtain evidence of the validity and reliability of items used to form a portfolio. The audio taped and videotaped data were transcribed and analysed using thematic content analysis. The quantitative data were analysed using between group differences. This hybrid approach identified five main portfolio domains and their 59 subdomains. The individual domains, which were prioritized using judgemental weightings assigned by 18 participants, included education, service, research, professional development and academic management and leadership. Subdomains were identified within focus groups, with a total of 59 items representing measurable faculty daily activities that constitute the five main domains. The portfolio scores were found to have good reliability and validity based on the quantitative analyses and their triangulation with the qualitative results, thereby providing evidence of the trustworthiness and credibility of the data. This study informs the scientific community by presenting a faculty portfolio developed through a multi-step validation process. It is expected that this faculty portfolio will be implemented successfully in KSAU-HS colleges because its development is based on the opinions of all stakeholders affiliated with this higher educational institution.

Education, Education
Alyousif, S. (2017). Faculty Portfolio Development: Perception vs. Practices in a Major University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/26157