Canadian Research on Online Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten to Graduate School

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Canadian Association for Teacher Education
This book is the eleventh in a series of peer-reviewed publications originating from working conferences organized by the Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE). A CATE working conference is hosted at a Canadian university every 2 years with support from the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE). CATE working conferences are guided by a theme and several provocations that are presented to the CATE membership in advance of a call for proposals that is open to academics and graduate students in the field of teacher education. Prospective authors submit chapter proposals several months prior to the CATE Working Conference, which are reviewed by the CATE president and past president who then led the conference and served as editors for the book. The CATE working conferences serve as communities of practice that bring academic writers together to collaborate on scholarship with a shared purpose and focus for inquiry. In July 2021, prospective authors were invited to consider Online Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten to Graduate School in positioning their initial chapter proposal and research in teacher education as a response to one or more of these questions: 1. What lessons can we draw upon from our rich history and experience with online education as we navigate our way forward in K-12? In pre-service education? In teacher professional learning? In graduate education? 2. What innovations and new possibilities open up in curriculum, pedagogies, learning designs, and assessments with the global shift to online education? 3. What are the many ways in which we create the conditions for meaningful, authentic, and respectful learning and teaching relationships and engagements when we connect, collaborate, and communicate online? In this introductory chapter, the editors outline the knowledge engagement and writing support provided by the working conference, offer an overview of the significance of the theme, describe inquiry into online learning and teaching, and outline the organization of the book with short overviews of the research highlighted in these 22 chapters. Finally, the editors present a synthesis of the outcomes that emerged from the working conference conversations and ongoing engagements, before suggesting several recommendations for the future of teacher education in diverse online contexts.
Online Learning, Online teaching, Post-Secondary Technology-Enabled Learning Environments, School-based Technology-Enabled Learning Environments, Global pandemic, Teacher Education Research
Jacobsen, M. & Smith, C. (2022). Canadian Research on Online Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten to Graduate School. In Jacobsen, M. & Smith, C. (Eds.) Online Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten to Graduate School (pp. 8-27). Canadian Association for Teacher Education.