Collaborative autoethnography: Where do we start, and how did we get here?


Through a community-based participatory lens we conducted a study with Indigenous students as co-researchers focusing on their experience with learning spaces at the University of Calgary.

We used both photovoice and photo elicitation as a means of exploring students’ lived experiences of using campus informal learning spaces, particularly library spaces. The Indigenous undergraduates were truly co-researchers, collaboratively developing the research question and determining the process of working together in a good way.

As we prepared for our research, including writing the ethics application, attending Indigenous-focused conferences, and delving into Indigenous research methods, our eyes were opened to new ways of seeing and doing research. And, as we progressed through the development of Photovoice workshops, and then working with the students, we began to question our relationship with research, questioning what we know and how we know it.

autoethnography, photovoice, photo elicitation, learning spaces, Indigenous students
Jeffs, C., Beatty, S., & Hayden, K. A. (2021, May 30 - June 1). Collaborative autoethnography: Where do we start, and how did we get here? [Conference presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2021, Edmonton, AB, Canada.