Living through Covid-19 Pandemic as International Students in Canada: Collaborative Autoethnography of Struggles and Resilience
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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of a number of international students and the disruption inevitably has caused suffering. With an aim to provide an in-depth understanding of the international students’ experiences, we examined our own written narratives on how the pandemic challenged our lives, and how we strove to build resilience and deal with the challenges. Upon analysis of the qualitative data collected from our respective narratives and group discussion, the following themes emerged: (1)Intersecting Identities, (2) Systemic Barriers to Achieving Goals, (3) Systemic Risks Caused Instability, and (4) Strategies to Build Resilience. By addressing several complex challenges that the international students faced, we hope to inform higher education stakeholders who seek to better accommodate the unique needs of international students.