Flipped Learning in Junior High Math Classes: Almadina Language Charter Academy Research Brief
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This study was designed as a research partnership project and a collaboration among researchers from the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary and practitioners from Almadina Language Charter Academy, a school authority with a unique emphasis on meeting the needs of English language learners. The purpose of this study was to explore how a technology-enhanced pedagogy, such as a flipped classroom intervention, can support students in grade seven and nine mathematics. The flipped learning method offered an entry point for students to be introduced to mathematical concepts with an aim to increase disciplinary literacy prior to in-class work. The focus of the design-based study was to work in partnership with teachers and students in two junior high mathematics classes using flipped learning to help iteratively develop instruments for data collection, including a framework for teacher reflection and questionnaires for students, and a process for reviewing video analytics. Findings from this study demonstrated the participants were satisfied with the approach for improving mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills. Using a flipped learning approach was also timely during the COVID-19 pandemic and participants considered this a helpful medium for supporting students at home and students in the classroom. A future study could continue exploring the flipped learning approach by extending to other disciplinary areas and grades.